If you carefully follow, you will have new domain AND hosting AND be public and fully running in only 8 MINS!
A page will load
Click on "Add a Website"
The sign-up page will load
Enter your email and create a password
Click on "Sign up"
Cloudflare just sent a verification link to your email
Open your email and click on the verification link
A page will load requesting you "Enter your domain" in a box
We have not claimed any domain yet but we will do that now
Click the "Or register a new domain" link right below that box
A page will load allowing you to search for available domains by whichever name you desire
Enter your desired domain name and see whether it is available or not (do not include any "www.")
Click on "Search"
NOTE: If you know you want your domain name to end with ".com", ".org", ".xyz", etc., you may add that to your search. I would have entered "phront.org" but I already own it, so I entered "phront". The prices to the right of each domain are for 1 year exclusive ownership. As long as you do not sell it, you own it along with the option to renew your ownership before the year expiration.
The search results return only some examples of available domain names that are suggested based on your search
If you enter a specific address, like "phront.org", it will return definitively whether or not that specific address is available
If you enter just "phront" (no ".com", ".org", "".xyz", etc.), it will return only some examples of available domain names - but by no means anywhere near a complete list
When you find the one you think is best, click the "Purchase" button, enter your billing info, and complete your purchase!
Enter whatever you like in the left box. The right box previews in real time how it looks to future visitors.
NOTE: The left box is full of text by default. Its purpose is to provide tips constructing your page, I suggest you open markdownlivepreview.com in two different tabs. Use one tab to reference/practice formating. In the second, delete everything and begin constructing your page from scratch.
The example below shows me doing exactly this to build the very page in front of you now!
Whatever you do, the point is constructing a page for the address you purchased. You can always change it.
When you are done, click "Copy" above the left box.
Next, open a new tab and go to markdowntohtml.com
Paste the text you just copied in the left box
Then, click "Raw HTML" (located above the right box)
Select all the text in the right box and copy it
Open a simple text editor, like notepad
Paste in it the Raw HTML text you just copied
Go to Cloudflare
From the "Home" screen of your dashboard, click on "Workers & Pages" in the left column.
Click on the "Upload assets" button
Enter a name for your project (mine is "phrontuk")
Click on the "Create project" button
Click on the "select from computer" link
Click on the "Upload folder" button
Find the folder containing your "index.html" file
Upload the folder containing your "index.html" file
Click on the "Deploy site" button
Verify you are in the "Custom domains" tab
Click on the "Set up a custom domain" button
Enter your domain address without "www" (e.g., I type "phront.uk" in the domain box)
Click on the "Continue" button
NOTE: Disregard "may take up to 48 hours" language. It usually takes just minutes.)
Click on the "Set up a custom domain" button to set up a second custom domain
Enter your domain address, this time with "www" this time (e.g., I type "www.phront.uk" this time)
Click on the "Continue" button
On the page which loads, click on the "Activate domain" button for the second custom domain, too
Now you should have 2 custom domains. Both may not show a green "Active" yet, but they will soon